‘Referendum is chance for independence’ – Sudan

‘Referendum is your golden chance for independence’ – Sudan

Date: Friday 4th February, 6pm
Venue: B102, SOAS – London


  • Aly Verjee – political analyst, writer (Rift Valley Institute)
  • Mawan Murotat – South Sudanese journalist/commentator
  • Dr. Douglas Johnson – Scholar / resource person in the 2003 Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement negotiations
  • Chair: Prof. Justin Willis – Professor of History, University of Durham

Event description:


Since January 9th, 2011 South Sudanese people have been voting for or against Independence. By mid February we should know if the largest African nation will remain a unified country or split into two sovereign nations. The January 9th 2011 referendum is part of the 2005 peace agreement between the Khartoum central government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement, which brought to an end over two decades of civil war.

Overall, it has been reported to have been a non-violent process. The national and international community wait in anticipation for the outcome of the vote. Most note the huge impact the result will have on Sudan, Africa and the Middle East, but with uncertainty of what this impact will be. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called Sudan a ‘ticking time-bomb’, fearing renewed conflict, while the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Abul Geit, referred to the referendum as the remaking of Sudan.

Join Aly Verjee, Mawan Murotat, Douglas Johnson and Justin Willis to discuss and debate, what next for Sudan.

Source: RAS, Royal African Society.

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