Press Conference on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in Somalia

What: The Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) and the Famine and Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) issue their latest assessment on the state of food security and nutrition in Somalia.

Who: (in Mogadishu, Somalia)

Peter de Clercq – Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Humanitarian Coordinator, & UN Resident Coordinator for Somalia

Richard Trenchard – Representative, FAO Somalia

(in Nairobi, Kenya)

Daniel Molla – Chief Technical Adviser, FSNAU

Abdirizak Nur – National Technical Manager, FEWS NET Somalia

When: Tuesday 20th September – 11:00 AM EAT

Where: FAO Somalia Country Office, Ngecha Road Campus, off Lower Kabete Road, Nairobi Kenya &

AMISOM VIP Conference Room, Mogadishu, Somalia.

About: FSNAU provides a broad-range of life-saving information and analysis on food insecurity and malnutrition in Somalia. FSNAU is a multi-donor project managed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Office in Somalia (FAO).

FEWS NET is a leading provider of early warning and analysis on food insecurity, operating in 35 countries.

Distributed by APO on behalf of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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