"Please come back to Rosarno. I need 15 Africans"

“Hello where are you? … I need 15 Africans for work in the fields. Why don’t you come back to Rosarno. I’ll give the money I owe to you”.

This is what an African migrant has heard as he was reached on his mobile phone by a man who was talking on behalf of his ex employer. Africanews.it has learned this from a Ghanaian citizen who flew Rosarno, in Calabria region of Italy, after the violences of last Friday 8 January 2010.

The same Ghanaian also said that he asked how much he was going to give him and he said: “25 euros”. The same prices paid in the last few years since violences has started in Rosarno in 2007. The same source said he replied to the man calling him on the phone: “I am not going to risk my life in Rosarno for 25 euros. I have kids and I have a wife back in Ghana. I am looking for a way to have my money back before going back to my country for good”.

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