“Italy must get ready for Oslo”, NGO

“Italy can go to Oslo with empty hands. We must back political decisions with concrete actions”. So Giuseppe Schiavello, president of Campagna italiana contro le mine [Italian campaign against landmines], said during the conference held today in the Italian Senate in Rome, Italy. Vice minister of Italian foreign affairs, Enzo Scotti, was present with the […]

Ushahidi: Africa is changing

The new Ushahidi, a Swahili word for ‘testimony’, is online. The video you can watch below is a great testimony of how Africa is changing. This ‘change’ is leaded by new technologies that mix mobile phones and the internet. As said on the video, more than this the group behind Ushahidi is the demonstration that […]

Grinzane for Africa awards three African writers

The first edition of Italian prix “Grinzane for Africa” took place last 23rd and 24th October in Addis Abeba, Ehtiopia. Three African writers have been awarded. The winners are: Ngugi wa Thiong’o from Kenya, Ben Okri from Nigeria and Ondjaki from Angola.

"Very positive" the southern Africa economic outlook

“The outlook for southern Africa is very positive indeed but it is also very skewed”, Daniel Steinmann, editor of Namibia Economist, said via email to Africanews.it. “The Southern African Development Community (SADC) consists of 14 member states. South Africa generates roughly 84% of the total combined GDP so you immediately see how small all the […]

Kenyan community in Italy remember Were M. Mugabe

Last 3rd February the Kenyan community in Lecce, Italy, marched to remember Were Melitus Mugabe, a member of Parliament killed in front of his house. Mr Were used to travel very often between Kenya and the city of Lecce, Italy, where his wife and his daughters live. His friend, Chrise Ouma Pamba, sent us some […]

Zimbabwe: Mutambara interview on Aljazeera.net

Opposition leader Arthur Mutambara was interviewed on Aljazeera.net/english during ‘Frost over the world’ Frost over the World – Arthur Mutambara – 17 Oct 08

Nigeria: danger looms on Carter bridge

Danger may not be over yet for Lagosians, despite the rehabilitation of the Third Mainland Bridge, as two other major bridges leading into Lagos Island, Eko and Carter bridges, may collapse soon except measures are taken urgently. Here we report the news published Kayode Ogundamisi on Facebook. A commissioned survey conducted by P.M.News on all […]

Italians friends of Africa… on the web

Among fears of racism, bigotry and violences motivated by racial tensions, there’s some good news. That is the existence of a forum for Italians about Africa. At this address, http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/africamica/, Italians discuss live on the web about Africa with Africans. We believe this is a good news especially at this time of hate and racial […]

Books: "Sortilegi", Africa seen by two Europeans

“Sortilegi” is the new book of Enzo Barnabà and Serge Latouche, recently published by Bollati Boringhieri. This book is a collection of short stories about the life and experiences of two Europeans in Africa, between Congo and Ivory Coast. This book stress a side of Congo that is slowly disappearing, African traditions fading for an […]

Zimbabwe: food shortages in the country

As Zimbabwe faces one of its worst hunger year, women have taken much of the burden as they fight to feed their children. Acute food shortages in the country’s urban and rural villages have resulted in people going for days on end without food while some villagers have resorted to eating tree roots and wild […]