Cameroon: Italian NGOs manage responsible travel

We receive and we publish here an announcement by two Italian NGOs with projects in Africa. They are organising a travel to “discover the traditional theatre in Cameroon”. Fratelli dell’Uomo and Mascherenere Italian NGOs are organizing a fascinating journey into the Republic of Cameroon, in search of a theatrical tradition that moves with great vitality, […]

Who told the children about Washington?

We publish a report by Ewanfoh Peter from Verona, Italy, about Obama’s oath as president of the Usa. The report was written before the inauguration in Washington last 20 January 2009.   Although these little children of African migrants have lived the few years of their lives in the Italian society without seeing the colour […]

"Asylum right denied", humanitarian associations

Several humanitarian organizations denounced, on January 23, the terrible situation in Lampedusa (Italy). In a press note asked, now more than ten days ago, a meeting with Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni. Reached by phone, Amnesty International told us that still have not received a reply and that nothing has changed since then in Lampedusa. “Different […]

Tunisia: Abdullah meets Italian colleague Frattini

Last 28th of January, the foreign minister of Tunisia, Abdelwahab Abdallah, has met his Italian colleague, Franco Frattini. The main theme of the talks has been immigration. Minister Frattini said that he will check on the possibility for more Tunisians willng to move to Italy looking for work, whilst his colleague of Tunisia expresses the […]

DR Congo: travel to Kinshasa

We Receive via email and we publish this announcement by I.RE.D. Africa (Réseau Innovation pour le Developpement), “Innovation network for development”.

Somalia: Frattini satisfied by Ahmed election

“Sheikh Sharif Ahmed election in Somalia is an important turning point”, it is said in a press release by the Italian foreign ministry. Mr Frattini, the Italian foreign secretary, is satisfied of this election in Somalia because “it could bring peace and stability in Somalia“. “On Minister Frattini’s instructions, Director General for the Countries of […]

African economies grow despite global crisis

The African economies will grow despite the global economic crisis. This is what many experts said during the Word economic forum annual meeting, held in Davos, Switzerland, last week. Mr. Nduka Obaigbena, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of THISDAY Newspapers, made the case for more investments in Africa, as reported on In the same article many […]

Libya: appeal against deportations

Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3rd, a debate will be held in the Italian Senate about the Italy-Libya treaty signed by Prime Minister Berlusconi and the Libyan dictator Gaddafi last August 2008. Some Italians as well as some associations have launched an appeal against the deportation of African migrants in Libya. As the North African country has […]

DR Congo: march in Bruxelles

A march for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been held yesterday in Bruxelles, the capital of Belgium. The protesters were demanding a 2000 soldiers missions of the European army to be sent in the DRC to stop the killings of innocent civilians. Protesters were also accusing the President of the DRC, Joseph Kabila, […]

DR Congo: Lubanga trial is of historical importance

“The trial of Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, which begins on January 26, is considered a milestone for human rights, international justice, and the International Criminal Court, ICC, in The Hague”, the Nowregian council for Afrika reports citing the Institute of War and Peace Reporting. The iwpr writes: “The Lubanga trial will be the […]