Malawi: new president Mutharika inaugurated today

Bingu wa Mutharika was elected yesterday as new president of Malawi. He will be inaugurated today at Kamuzu Stadium.  Even though Malawi former president Bakili Muluzi has conceded defeat, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is disputing the results.

Somalia: Italy holds meeting on piracy

The 9 and 10 of June Italy will hold a meeting with political representatives of Somalia to face the piracy problem.  “The piracy problem – Italy foreign minister, Franco Frattini, said – can only be solved helping Somalia to develop its fragile government”. Moreover Frattini stressed the importance for the European Union institutions to act […]

Cameroonian students react to Berlusconi’s speech

The battle to transmit cultural integration is fast becoming a daily song in Verona. In the big picture the city may be described with anything from discrimination to ‘anti immigrants’ behaviors, but beneath the surface, some tiny groups and concerned individuals are trying to rewrite the story and make the city a multicultural society that […]

“Immigration in European Council agenda” – Scotti

The European Council should deal with the illegal immigration problem during the next meeting to be held on 18 and 19 June”. This is the request of Italian undersecretary to the foreign office, Vincenzo Scotti, said. Mediterranean countries, Scotti added, approve the Italian proposition. The presidency will decide during the reunion of the Home Affairs […]

“Gaddafi is like the police officer of Maroni” – Touadi

We report here the interview to Jean-Leonard Touadi, first Italian MP to be born in Africa. The interview was done the 13 of May 2009. Jean-Leonard Touadi is very worried called him in a moment of rest from parliamentary works just a little before the approval of the so-called “DDL sicurezza” (i.e. security act) […]

European Council conclusions on Somalia

We report here the entire conclusions taken bu the European Council about the conflict in Somalia. In a joint session between the Foreign and Defence Ministers, the Council discussed the situation in Somalia and the EU naval operation against piracy EU NAVFOR – Operation ATALANTA. The Council adopted the following conclusions: “1. The Council condemns […]

"Mediterranean union is too important" – Craxi

“Union for the Mediterranean is too important.” Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Stefania Craxi, said during yesterday’s visit  to Algiers where he met with Foreign Minister, Mourad Medelci, and the Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdel Malek Messhael. “The project of a Mediterranean union, which had an arrest after the crisis in Gaza, is too […], the tv channel for all Africans is the site of the new TV channel dedicated to Africa. It aires via satellite, cable and ADSL. The news was published on the Italian blog Jambo Africa, hosted by Launched the 5 of February this year on Channel 36 of the bouquet CanalSat Horizons, Africa24tv aims to show images of a modern […]

Somalia: 68 deaths since Friday

Clashes between moderate pro-Islamic militia and those of the fundamentalist group al Shabaab have killed at least 68 people in central Somalia, while 3000 refugees are fleeing the area. The report pro-forces and a group of Human Rights. Today, witnesses report that the al Shabaab militia have captured Jowhar, a strategic town that is an […]

Berlusconi calls Gaddafi on immigration

Italian website reports about a phone call between Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and Libyan dictator, Mohammed Gaddafi about the immigration issue. According to the Italian news website, this is aimed at opening talks between Tripoli and Washington via Rome. What follows is a translation of the article from Italian. A new phone call […]