South Africa: drug fears over 2010 Fifa world cup

International criminal organisations could use the 2010 Fifa world cup, to be held in South Africa by June next year, for selling large amounts of drugs as over 400,000 sport-crazy visitors are expected to enter the country. The alarm was recently launched by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and South Africa’s […]

Ghana: call for missing girl

We copy and paste here the text of a call for a missing little girl in Ghana. The message was sent to the members of the “Future of Africa” group on Facebook. “We need your help to find missing 7 year old Ghanian Girl!

4th night for solidarity with the refugees

Milan will host the forth night for solidarity with the refugees. The meeting will be in piazza Oberdan, Thursday 3rd September from 8pm in the capital of Lombardy region. What follow is the pres release with quotes from some of the organisers. We are again all togheter in the name of solitdarity and welcome  for […]

Tribute to Sodis for water disinfection

Solar water disinfection (SODIS) has been around for quite some time now and with approx. over 340.000 users in Africa alone, this low budget water disinfection “technology” is a smart approach. In areas where piped drinking water just isn’t available or of questionable quality, solar water disinfection is a cheap and effective method for decentralized […]

DR Congo: Caritas hospital inaugurated

On Friday, August 28 2009 the Bishop of Goma, Faustin Ngabu, has inaugurated the Caritas hospital. The project was financed by a Spanish NGO while a project carried out by the England and Wales arm of Caritas has playes an important part.

South Africa: people await their gender medallist

It was a big time for miss Caster Semenya in the 2009 Berlin athletic Championship. For the International Amateur Athletic Federation, however, her gender identity needed to be tested. A move many South Africans do not welcome for anything. Some have cried foul for discrimination against the athlete.

Frattini article on development's aid

Below the article of the Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini, published by the daily L’Osservatore Romano on July 10 2009 with headline “Public-private partnerships against poverty.” In preparing the meeting for the Italian Presidency of the G8 there has been a great interest to the words of Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, president of Caritas […]

"Let's rethink aid to Africa" – Aoudou

It is time to rethink the method of allocation of aid to Africa. By my humble opinion, until now the approach used by financial funds, has proved ineffective. Yes inefficient and unnecessary. When you hear that some institution granted such financial aid to any African country in a specific area (e.g. education, health etc.) we […]

Goukouni returns to Chad with hope

“I have decided to come back definitively to Chad to be of use to my country,” the former Chad president told APF. His decision to return to his country after nearly a quarter of century in exile, he said, was based on two main reasons. Chad has changed from the way it used to be […]

OIL: "We're number one in Africa" – Scaroni (ENI)

”We are the number one in Africa as energy producers, we are the first in Egypt, Tunisia, Congo and we have a major presence in Nigeria, Mozambique and Angola”, Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Italian oil company Eni, said during a meeting in Cortina d’Ampezzo in the north of Italy.