South Africa: Cape Town hotel gets green energy

Vineyard Hotel & Spa’s Conference Centre in Newlands, Cape Town will get Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from GreenX Energy. The Green Power strategy in the hotel’s conference centre is a key component of the overall plan for more sustainable operations and carbon emission reductions at the hotel. 

Somalia: suicide car bomb kills nine soldiers

Two car bomb attacks yesterday morning killed 9 soldiers and injured Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha, head of Ugandan peacekeepers in Somalia. The attack has been made by Islamist fundamentalists in Mogadishu. Juvenile Niyoyunguriza, African Union force deputy Commander and Burundian general, was among the dead caused by the two suicide car bombs at the African […]

my name is Nigeria, her is a bit about me…………

As publicly published on Facebook. I am Nigeria. I have millions of acres of arable land and billions of cubic litres of water, but I cannot feed myself. So I spend $1 billion to import rice and another $2billion to import milk. I produce rice, but don’t eat it. I have 60 million cattle but […]

Italy open the doors to 10,000 foreigners for work

10 thousand foreign citizen will be allowed to ask permission to enter into Italy for internships and work experiences. The news appeared on the newsletter ‘Srm materiali’ made by Refugees and migrant service (notiziario del servizio rifugiati e migranti (srm)] of Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia (fcei, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy). As […]

Festivaletteratura: Knowledges of Africa

Interview to Igiaba Scego Interview to Chika Unigwe

Festivaletteratura: 3 videos shows Asinitas’s work

The third meeting ended last Sunday 13 September made by Lettera27 foundation, WikiAfrica and the school for refugees Asinitas, has been one of the most ‘political’ events among the three dedicated to Africa in the Literature Festival in Mantua (Italy). Speakers said clearly what are their organisations’ aims and ideas, strengthen by the Italian Constitution, […]

West Africa: Italy send flight after floods

Italy’s foreign ministry has organised yesterday with UN office OCHA an humanitarian flight for Senegal and Burkina Faso populations damaged by recent heavy rains. A press release by Italian foreign office said. The decision has been taken in partnership with Norway and Ireland and has shipped in these two African countries 40 tons of humanitarian […]

Festivaletteratura: "Africa in schools"

The second event dedicated to African literature in the Mantua event in Italy has just finished. Even though there were fewer people in the hall than this morning for the event “Africans in Europe/Africans of Europe”, there has been a big participation from the public with lots of interesting questions.

“Zimbabwe must abide by Sadc” – civil society

We republish here the report by Stanley Kwenda as appeared on Terraviva Europe. SOUTHERN AFRICA: ZIMBABWE MUST ABIDE BY SADC DECISIONS tStanley Kwenda

Festivaletteratura opens with 'Africans in Europe'

“Africans of Europe / Africans in Europe” is the title of the meeting held this morning in the Episcopal Seminary of Mantua. This event opened the two days organized by Lettera27 foundation and WikiAfrica Literature within the Italian literature event Festivaletteratura 2009. The hall was full and there was a strong participation of the public […]