Slow reform cripples Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s power-sharing government looks unlikely to step down in 2011 as planned because it has failed to draw up the reforms needed to ensure free and fair elections, political analysts say. President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai formed a coalition last year to end a political and economic crisis, but mutual suspicion and […]

Zimbabwe refugees 'straining' South Africa

The influx of refugees from Zimbabwe is placing “significant strain” on South Africa’s capacity and resources, President Jacob Zuma told British parliamentarians in London on Thursday. “South Africa is greatly affected by the crisis in Zimbabwe,” Zuma said in a speech in the Palace of Westminster. “The influx of economic refugees from Zimbabwe places a […]

Zimbabwe: Mugabe to seek re-election

Harare – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said on Thursday he would stand for re-election if his party nominated him, brushing off calls for the octogenarian to make way for a younger successor after 30 years in power. Mugabe, 86, who has been in power since Zimbabwe’s independence from Britain in 1980, formed a unity administration […]

40 000 new prostitutes for Cup

About 40 000 women are expected to arrive in South Africa ahead of the FIFA World Cup to work as prostitutes, the Central Drug Authority said on Thursday. CDA deputy chair David Bayever said: “Forty thousand new prostitutes. As if we do not have enough people of our own, we have to import them to […]

Speaker's wife Sally Bercow makes internet jokes about Zuma

While the Queen has played host to Jacob Zuma and his wife at Buckingham Palace with her customary diplomacy, the South African president has been the butt of internet mockery by Sally Bercow, the wife of the controversial House of Commons Speaker, John Bercow. President & Mrs Zuma are here later,” she joked on Twitter, […]

PM Brown insists Zimbabwe makes progress before sanctions go

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has insisted that Zimbabwe should make more progress before sanctions can be lifted, resisting pressure from South African President Jacob Zuma. But as Zuma’s state visit turned from royal pomp to hard-headed politics, the two leaders largely sought to paper over differences on European Union sanctions slapped on President Robert […]

S.Africa 'more than ready' for World Cup – Zuma

Smiling and at ease, South African President Jacob Zuma told reporters at Wembley Stadium on Thursday that his country was “ready, if not more than ready” to host the first World Cup on African soil. On his first state visit to the United Kingdom, Zuma took time away from his official duties to visit the […]

Zuma plays down criticism of Britain's colonial past

The South African president accused the British media of thinking ”their culture is more superior than others” on the eve of his state visit to the UK. Mr Zuma, who has there wives, hit out after comments about his polygamous lifestyle were made in the British press. But at a joint Downing Street press conference […]

Anti-racism protests in Italy

Today in Milan and tomorrow (6 March) in Modena there will be some protests in front of CIE (Centre for Identification and Expulsion)  “against racism, in solidarity with Joy being jailed in Modena’s CIE and all migrants in hunger strike” as written on

Milan (Italy): migrants continue hunger strike

The detainee of the CIE (Centre for Identification and Expulsion) in via Corelli in Milan (Italy) are continuing today their hunger strike which started yesterday. They strike against the detention period of six months, against terrible conditions of living inside the CIE and in solidarity with the journalists of Macerie who have been arrested in […]