South Africa condoles with China's quake victims

South African President Jacob Zuma on Thursday offered condolences to China’s quake victims, expressing his full confidence in the Chinese authorities in handling the earthquake which had killed about 600 people in China’s Qinghai Province. “It is unfortunate that natural disasters have become a common phenomenon around the world and continue to gravely afflict humanity […]

Festival International du Film Panafricain : 7eme édition

7ème édition de la fête du 7ème Art « Le Monde Ethique est en Marche » A l’instar de notre précédente édition, l’Ethique demeure notre guide en 2010. Elle est le fruit d’une trilogie qui s’achèvera en 2011. Après “Un Monde Ethique est possible”, le Festival 2010 nous invite à nous diriger vers l’éthique en […]

23-4 African nightout in Rennes (France)

An African nightout will be held in Rennes (France) the 23rd of April by 7pm. The message apperead on Facebook. In the program:Boeuf afro, african percussionsrestauration type “auberge espagnol” or “african”!you bring something to eat and to share!!! free price, everyone gives what she/he wants 23 April 2010 in Grand Cordel from 1900 — Soirée […]

South Africa-China: presidents agree on partnership

Chinese President Hu Jintao met in Brasilia Thursday with South African President Jacob Zuma, with both leaders agreeing to promote the strategic partnership between their two countries. President Hu stressed that the Chinese side attached importance to the development of its relations with South Africa and was willing to work together with South Africa to […]

King Shaka airport ready to bring World to SA

The newly constructed King Shaka International Airport in Durban came out with flying colours during a trial exercise on Thursday. The mass trial at the airport in La Mercy involved the participation of an estimated 800 “fake passengers” and 300 staff members as part of the last leg of rigorous checks to ensure its preparedness […]

Zuma-Obama talks in Washington

President Jacob Zuma and US President Barack Obama have held talks in Washington DC on agriculture, HIV and security in Africa, the presidency said Pres Zuma, who arrived in Washington, DC on Sunday to attend a two-day summit on nuclear security, met Obama at the USA’s president’s guest house, Blair House.  “The meeting followed discussions […]

Ivorian Lohoues in Catania for the Labisi award

Former justice minister of Ivory Coast, Jacqueline Lohoues – Oble, will be present in Catania (Italy) tomorrow afternoon for the “Antonietta Labisi” award. The ceremony will be held in Nettuno hotel by 6pm. What follow is the press release of the association. The International Association “Antonietta Labisi”, recognized by the United Nations Association on the […]

Festival de Musique du Maghreb –

« NUITS D’AFRIQUE, des spectacles….TOUTE l’année! » présentent Samedi 17 et Dimanche 18 avril 2010 Voyage au cœur des musiques mystiques des Dunes du Sahara ! Montréal, le 6 avril 2010- Cette année, le Festival de Musique du Maghreb revient pour célébrer sa 19ème édition. A l’initiative des Productions Nuits d’Afrique, cet évènement nous transportera […]

Inflating the cost of café, only for Africans clients

Instead of the usual price of 90 cent for a cup of café, a Chinese bar owner is charging 1 euro for her African clients, and she said she was told to do so by her Italian clients. The incident as was reported this morning by Leggo newspaper actually happened on the Sunday of Easter. […]

"We want to make our voice heard" – Salim Amin

Chairman of Africa’s media company, Salim Amin, will meet US president Barack Obama at the end of April 2010. Obama managed to start a meeting with muslim entreprenuers to reinvigorate a relationship and to help the image of Muslims around the world. In this interview, Amin also said that religious conflicts in Africa were very rarely be about religion. They were mainly caused by tribalism.