DR Congo: travel to Kinshasa

We Receive via email and we publish this announcement by I.RE.D. Africa (Réseau Innovation pour le Developpement), “Innovation network for development”.

Somalia: Frattini satisfied by Ahmed election

“Sheikh Sharif Ahmed election in Somalia is an important turning point”, it is said in a press release by the Italian foreign ministry. Mr Frattini, the Italian foreign secretary, is satisfied of this election in Somalia because “it could bring peace and stability in Somalia“. “On Minister Frattini’s instructions, Director General for the Countries of […]

African economies grow despite global crisis

The African economies will grow despite the global economic crisis. This is what many experts said during the Word economic forum annual meeting, held in Davos, Switzerland, last week. Mr. Nduka Obaigbena, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of THISDAY Newspapers, made the case for more investments in Africa, as reported on Afrika.no. In the same article many […]

Libya: appeal against deportations

Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3rd, a debate will be held in the Italian Senate about the Italy-Libya treaty signed by Prime Minister Berlusconi and the Libyan dictator Gaddafi last August 2008. Some Italians as well as some associations have launched an appeal against the deportation of African migrants in Libya. As the North African country has […]

DR Congo: march in Bruxelles

A march for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been held yesterday in Bruxelles, the capital of Belgium. The protesters were demanding a 2000 soldiers missions of the European army to be sent in the DRC to stop the killings of innocent civilians. Protesters were also accusing the President of the DRC, Joseph Kabila, […]

DR Congo: Lubanga trial is of historical importance

“The trial of Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, which begins on January 26, is considered a milestone for human rights, international justice, and the International Criminal Court, ICC, in The Hague”, the Nowregian council for Afrika reports citing the Institute of War and Peace Reporting. The iwpr writes: “The Lubanga trial will be the […]

Tunisia: Abdallah will meet Frattini in Rome

The foreign secretary of Tunisia, Abdelwahab Abdallah, will meet tomorrow his Italian colleague, Franco Frattini, in Rome. The meeting will start around at noon in the Farnesina headquarter, the Italian foreign ministry said in a press release.

Zimbabwe: Motlanthe urges SADC to solve crisis

The president of South Africa, Kgalema Motlanthe, said yesterday, Monday the 26 of January, that a resolution to the crisis in Zimbabwe must be found and that the time for talking was over. He said this during an extraordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit.

African views on Obama's election

We copy and paste a comment related to our time and president Obama‘s election. It is a few lines blog post that inspired us. It is available at southafricanproject.org/blog, by the title “looking beyond our borders”. We can no longer afford indifference outside our borders. The words of President Obama rocked the nation today. We […]

Italy's Camera approves treaty with Libya

From the Parliament: Chamber: Green light for Italy-Libya treaty 22 January 2009 The Chamber of Deputies has approved the bill for the ratification of the friendship, partnership and cooperation treaty between Italy and Libya signed on 30 August 2008 by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Libyan leader, Gheddafi. The bill, which now goes to […]