African cultural day in Verona University

The intercultural activity held yesterday by the African student union of Verona was more than just the talks.   It was a day packed with numerous activities, all to promote intercultural exchange in the University and beyond its border. The city of Verona is fast be reawaken to the challenges ahead, as integration and intercultural […]

Swine flu: Central Africa authorities in alert

The A/H1N1 virus of swine influenza has not yet been reported in Central Africa, but the political authorities in the region have already decided to prevent it. Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad have launched strategies to address the spread of swine influenza.

Amref presents Ugo Gangheri & Nomadia latest album

Thursday 7 May, the bookshop Bibli in Rome (via dei Fienaroli 28) will host a live concert of Ugo Gangheri & Nomadia presenting their latest work “Ccà nun ce stanno liune” (CNI Music). Everything will be donated to Amref‘s project in Nairobi “Children in need”. The atmosphere of the album is rarefied but intense nonetheless. […]

Mediterranean Games: Frattini meets ambassadors

Italian foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, is scheduled to meet tomorrow, Tuesday 5 May 2009 at 10:30, in Rome’s Villa Madama, with the ambassadors of the 22 countries participating in the Mediterranean Games. He will give the official invitation signed by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The event will take place in Pescara from 26 June to […]

Africa QUI: interview to Stefania Ragusa

Reached via Skype by, Stefania Ragusa tells us everything about her latest book “Africa QUI” (Africa HERE). The book, published by Italian publishing company Edizioni dell’Arco, was presented in Milan the 21 of April 2009.

Senegal and Italy are a bit closer

Italian news program “Italia Italie” on TG1 has broadcast today of a project of international cooperation called “Binario Senegal” (‘Track Senegal’).

"Africa Qui": a book about successfull Africans

‘Africa Qui‘ (‘Here Africa’) is not just a book but also a bet. Yes you read it right. It is a bet between the author, Stefania Ragusa, and her friend Sara, “a very Italian woman but with ebony skin”, on the fact that in Italy there are no successful migrants. “Why, Sara was asking herself, […]

A human is human because of other humans

No matter how it sounds in your ears, the speaker was down serious about it. Dr. Chinua Achebe is the author of “things fall apart“, one of the most popular books ever written by Africans. With the translation into all the major languages in the world, millions of people have bought the book. At an […]

Somalia: no ultimatum for Buccaneer – Farnesina

Italians taken hostage in Somalia are part of a mistery. The Italian Foreign Ministry has not confirmed today the ultimatum requested by Somali pirates who held hostage two Italians as part of the seizure of the vessel Buccaneer. “With reference to reports by some relatives of our fellow citizens taken hostage – a press release […]

South Africa: ANC needs 0.2% for 2/3 majority

As the counting of votes continues, the ANC needs 0.2% to keep its two thirds majority. Something that may allow the main Southafrican political party to change the constitution made in the 90s after the anti apartheid struggle. The news appeared on a government website, signed by Nthambeleni Gabara. “The African National Congress – […]