Official launching of the Pan African University Department of human resources, science and technology



Official launching of the Pan African University Department of human resources, science and technology


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, December 9, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Invitation to representatives of the media


When: 13th – 14thDecember 2011


Time: 9:00 am


Where: At the conference Center of the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Who: Organized by the Pan African University collaboration with African Union Commission (AUC)


Objective: The main objective of the Launch is to promote and popularize the Pan African University, discusses the potential challenges in its implementation and the contribution of the African University in general to regional integration and intra African trade.


Expected Outcomes: Produce concrete deliberation on the role of the African university in African regional integration and intra-African trade; academic mobility as facilitated by the revised Arusha Convention; ensuring quality and excellence in higher education as well as resource mobilization


Participants: Participant on this Launch will be composed the Association of African Universities (AAU), on behalf of the AUC duly invites its member institutions, represented by Vice Chancellors, Rectors and other institutional heads, as well as other higher education stakeholders, particularly researchers, development partners, student representatives and policy makers.



African Union Commission (AUC)


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