New UN Deputy Special Representative for Somalia arrives in Mogadishu to support peace and state-building

MOGADISHU, Somalia, January 22, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The new Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG), Mr. Raisedon Zenenga, arrived in Mogadishu today to assume his duties with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).

“I am very pleased to have this opportunity to return to Somalia and support the aspirations of the people of Somalia for a peaceful, stable and prosperous future. The challenges are tremendous, but we must work together to push forward the progress that the Somali people want to see.

“Over the coming days I look forward to meeting with officials from the Federal Government and Parliament, AMISOM and IGAD, and the many other partners working together towards peace and state-building in Somalia.” said DSRSG Zenenga.

As part of UNSOM’s mandate, Mr. Zenenga will work in support of Somalia’s political priorities, human rights, rule of law and security institutions. Mr. Zenenga has substantial expertise in political processes and mediation; proven skills in managing peacekeeping operations; and significant experience working with governments and other key stakeholders in conflict and post-conflict settings. He has spent over 30 years working with the United Nations, governments and the diplomatic service. He spent 21 of those years working with the UN in Liberia, Iraq-Kuwait, Sierra Leone, Somalia and at UN Headquarters.

Mr. Zenenga succeeds Ms. Fatiha Serour of Algeria who completed her assignment with UNSOM in November 2014. He was appointed by the UN Secretary-General in December 2014. Prior to that he had served as the Deputy Special Representative (Political) with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

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