New deadline for the parties in South Sudan

OSLO, Norway, August 27, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — ‘It is regrettable that the parties to the conflict in South Sudan have failed to fulfil their obligations to introduce a ceasefire and establish a framework for the formation of a transitional government, as they agreed in June. I urge the parties to take advantage of the new opportunity they have been given to establish a national unity government with broad representation within 45 days,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

‘The creation of the post of prime minister will allow for a distribution of power that should be acceptable to both parties. The international community cannot accept further excuses from the parties while millions of people are suffering. Enough is enough,’ Mr Brende said.

At a meeting of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) yesterday, the parties to the conflict in South Sudan were given a new deadline of 45 days to establish a national unity government. The armed opposition led by former Vice President Riek Machar is to be offered the post of prime minister in a transition government that will also include other political forces, such as previously imprisoned SPLM leaders and representatives of opposition parties. The transition period will last for two and a half years and elections are to be held two months before the end of that period.

‘It is encouraging that the Government signed a new agreement yesterday on the establishment of a transition government, and I urge Riek Machar to do the same immediately so that real negotiations can begin in Addis Ababa. South Sudan’s neighbouring countries are showing responsibility through their active engagement. The parties in South Sudan must now show responsibility by working towards a political solution in order to prevent a full-blown famine in the country,’ Mr Brende said.

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