National Inter-Faith Dialogue Communique

A National Interfaith Dialogue Forum under the auspices of the British High Commission, Accra and attended by religious leaders, political party representatives, traditional leaders, academia, the security agencies, Community Based Organisations, State Institutions (NCCE, CHRAJ,EC etc), Students of Tertiary Institutions, youth and women groups in the northern regions of Ghana, having deliberated upon promoting peaceful co-existence and strengthening commitments to interfaith harmony before, during and after the 2016 general elections in Ghana resolved as follows:

That the 2016 presidential and parliamentary elections be conducted in a peaceful atmosphere.
That there should be optimum intra and inter religious and political tolerance.
That religious leaders be encouraged to preach peace in their daily and weekly sermons to engender peace in the country.
That all vigilante groups in the political parties should be disbanded
That the media should be circumspect in their reportage.
That newspaper review and political talk show programmes in both print and electronic media s be well managed, devoid of inflammatory and unsubstantiated commentaries.
That in the event of any misunderstanding arising out of the election results, parties must use the due process of law to seek redress.
That perpetrators of religious and political violence should be subjected to the laws of Ghana
That no religious, traditional and political leaders should interfere in any matter that concerns the breach of the law by their followers and members
That the security agencies must conduct themselves professionally and impartially.
That all political parties should strictly adhere to the Political Parties’ Code of Conduct.
That citizens should conduct themselves responsibly, support and co-operate with the law enforcement agencies as prescribed by the Public Order Act.
That the Electoral Commission should be impartial in the conduct of the elections.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of British High Commission Accra.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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