Mogadishu: political clashes between Somalia’s highest institutions – Farnesina expresses concern

ROME, Italy, November 13, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Farnesina is deeply concerned about the recent news from Mogadishu regarding the worsening political clashes between the country’s highest institutions. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is in close contact with our principal international partners with an interest in the Somali dossier.

A government crisis on the eve of important international events would have extremely serious consequences for the country’s stabilisation process. It would undermine the results achieved thus far thanks to the support of the international community, and of Italy in particular. The civilian population would once again pay the price of an incomprehensible political crisis that could be easily resolved if the different actors showed a sense of responsibility and restored the political debate to the sphere of normal political argument.

The Italian Ambassador in Mogadishu, Fabrizio Marcelli, has received instructions to express Italy’s utmost concern, not least in view of the forthcoming Copenhagen Conference on 19 and 20 November. The Farnesina has expressed similar considerations to the Somali Ambassador in Rome.

The Farnesina underscores Italy’s commitment to the stabilisation of a federal, peaceful Somalia within secure, internationally recognised borders.

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