MISCA remembers victims and survivors of Rwanda Genocide

BANGUI, Central African Republic, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Rwandan contingent in the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA), today, organized in Bangui a memorial service for the victims of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsis. The event was attended by the MISCA Head of Mission and Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Gen. Jean Marie Michel Mokoko, the MISCA Force Commander, Brig. Gen. Martin Tumenta, half a dozen members of the Transitional Government of the Central African Republic (CAR), including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Toussaint Kongo Doudou, who represented the Prime Minister as Chair of the event. Under the theme “Remember, Unite, Renew,” the 20th anniversary service included a documentary on the Rwanda Genocide, video testimonies of survivors, the laying of a memorial wreath and a minute of silence in honor of the victims which was synchronized with the live-streamed main memorial service in Kigali.

Speaking on the occasion, the CAR Minister of Foreign Affairs challenged Central Africans and all of humanity to ensure that Genocide never happens again. The Minister added: “It is our responsibility as Central African citizens to build peace and learn the lessons of history, so that we do not repeat the mistakes and atrocities of the past. Rwanda inspires us in the Central African Republic to believe that we can overcome the challenges of the moment and rebuild our country.”

On his part, the MISCA Head of Mission commended the Rwandan Battalion for organizing the memorial service at this time in Bangui. He further stated: “This event is of high symbolic value universally, to MISCA and to the Rwandan Battalion. It is an opportunity for us all to stop and ponder human folly in the name of which many atrocities have been committed. Rwanda is an example of revival and renewal and the participation of Rwanda in MISCA is very important; it should inspire and encourage the Central African people to believe that reconstruction and revival are indeed possible.”

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