MINUSCA condemns attacks against civilians

BANGUI, Central African Republic, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 26 April, armed groups attacked the localities of Nanga-Boguila and Bodjomo, Prefecture of Ouham-Pende. This attack killed 22 people, including three staff members of the NGO Doctors without Borders (MSF), injured many others and destroyed many houses. On 28 April, a convoy of displaced persons heading to the North of the CAR was also attacked in the area of Dikissou, Prefecture of Nana Grebizi, and two civilians were killed. The areas from which they departed were also looted and pillaged.

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) condemns these unacceptable attacks against civilians. The perpetrators, individuals or armed groups, must stop immediately this unacceptable violence which exacerbates the suffering of the population, increases instability and undermines efforts for peace and reconciliation.

“The Central African Republic (CAR) is once again facing increased violence”, said Special Representative of the Secretary-General Babacar Gaye. “MINUSCA urges the Government to conduct an investigation in order to bring the perpetrators of these acts to justice. We also calls on all political, religious and community leaders, as well as the media, to increase their efforts to promote peaceful coexistence among communities, and to refrain from inciting violence. It also encourages the Central Africans to work, in the spirit of peace and tolerance, for a unified Central African Republic.”

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