Minister Yelich Concludes Canada’s Participation in Ministerial Meeting on Libya

OTTAWA, Canada, March 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular), today issued the following statement at the conclusion of her visit to Rome, where she attended the Rome Ministerial Conference on Libya, convened to reconfirm international support for that country’s democratic transition:

“Canada is proud to join with the international community in support of Libya’s transition process. Since 2011, Canada has been active in the security and development process and remains committed to supporting the democratic reform effort.

“Libya must now work to promote security while securing political consensus for the transition and for the modernization of its economy.

“Transitional justice is an important element of the process. In this regard, Canada commends the Government of Libya’s recent decree to recognize and compensate victims of sexual violence perpetrated during and following the revolution. We hope that this decree is swiftly entered into law and implemented.

“Sexual violence is a vicious attack on human dignity. It has a debilitating effect on the victims, their families and their communities, and undermines Libya’s transition to democracy and security. Canada is actively supporting efforts to strengthen local leadership to defend women’s rights and combat sexual violence in Libya.

“Canada stands by the Libyan people as they strive toward a future founded on freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

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