MFA Nasser Bourita: Arab Summit, a Responsibility not a Privilege

Kingdom of Morocco - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, took part on March, 9, 2022, in the 157th ordinary session of the Arab League Council at the level of Foreign Ministers, convened in Cairo, Egypt.

In this regard, the Minister added that this spirit has been respected since that date, far from any adaptation to any particular consideration, noting that “our attachment to this achievement, which has reinforced the Charter of the League of Arab States and has become one of the prime foundations of our joint action, is matched only by our attachment to the collective will and the consensus that characterize the decisions of the Arab League”.

MFA Bourita, on the other hand, said that this meeting is being held in the light of very delicate and sensitive developments, which have occurred at the regional and international levels, and the real challenges they pose to health, food and energy security.

“The Arab region must, more than ever, keep pace with the renewed demands of Arab societies and the increasingly accelerated challenges facing our central Arab issues, led by the Palestinian issue which is at the heart of our concerns and our priorities, far from any political escalation”, he pointed out.

The minister affirmed that the Palestinian cause “represents, since independence, one of the constants of the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Morocco”, noting that His Majesty King Mohammed VI remains attached to this cause and to defending it.

MFA Bourita added that supporting this cause requires advocating different methods and approaches to make it more effective and compatible with the current developments, assuring that Morocco, from this point of view, will spare no effort to support this just cause, until the Palestinian people realize their aspirations to establish their independent State on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Al-Quds East as its capital, in accordance with the two-State solution and the international references in force.

Regarding Al-Quds Acharif, of which His Majesty the King has the honor of chairing its Standing Committee within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the minister said that everyone knows the importance and the symbolism of the Holy City and the urgency of preserving its legal and historical status and its religious, cultural and civilizational character as a space for the coexistence of the three monotheistic religions and a symbol of peace.

The Minister regretted that Arab contribution to the settlement of conflicts in the Arab region has remained limited and in some cases dispersed, stressing that this situation “is not an inevitable destiny that forces us to give up, but rather a factor that should motivate us for more coordination and efforts in order to be able to control our destiny”.

MFA Bourita noted that several initiatives undertaken by Arab countries in this direction were very useful, recalling in this regard the role played by Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, towards Libyan brothers by providing them with the best conditions to motivate them to find appropriate solutions to build and develop their modern State.

He also recalled the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which he said “has forced us to completely review the models of our political, economic and social organization”, adding that this situation has become more complicated in the light of the deterioration of the situation at the international level, with growing political, economic, social, security and environmental challenges.

Food and energy security, being at the heart of Arab national security, requires a collective reflection that takes into account all these factors that threaten the future and stability of the region, he said.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Kingdom of Morocco – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.

Source: Apo-Opa

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