Mauritius – International Women's Day 2022: PM advocates for women's rights, respect and recognition at all levels in society

Republic of Mauritius
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‘International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on the role of women in the society and the family. The fight for women emancipation and gender equality should not be a mere motto, everyone should apply it in their daily life by giving women and girls their due respect, recognition, and rights in the society’.

The Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, made this statement, today, during the official celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 at the Sir Harilal Vaghjee Memorial Hall in Port-Louis. The theme for this year’s observance is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. The National Gender Policy 2022-2030 was also launched on the occasion.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning, Minister of Tourism, Mr Louis Steven Obeegadoo, the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, the Minister of Gender Equality and Family Welfare, Mrs Kalpana Devi Koonjoo-Shah, the UN Resident Coordinator a.i, Dr. Laurent Musango, Lady Sarojini Jugnauth and several personalities were present.

In his address, Prime Minister Jugnauth called for a change in mindset and behaviour of citizens to promote gender equality and women’s equal participation at all level of society, for a fairer and more equitable society. He spoke on the predominant role of women in the health, education and public sectors who, according to him, are very competent and are excelling based on their merits. He encouraged women to occupy higher posts in all spheres of life.

The Prime Minister lauded the UN for their support to promote gender equality in the country and across the globe. This day, he underlined is an occasion to salute the courage and resilience of women especially during the COVID-19 pandemic as women had bigger roles to play as mother, professionals and members of the society.

He dwelt on numerous measures put in place by Government to protect and empower women namely, the grant of financial assistance by the Development Bank of Mauritius in the forms of no guarantee loans of Rs 100 000 with no interest rate up to eight years with a moratorium of five years; and a loan of Rs 1 million at a fixed interest rate of 5% over five years with one-year moratorium under the COVID-19 Special Support Scheme.

As regards the National Gender Policy 2022-2030, he said it underpins Government's commitment to integrate gender into all development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation policies and will serve as an effective tool for public and private sectors, media, Non-Governmental institutions and other institutions to promote gender equality.

The Prime Minister also underlined that according to the Gender Global Gap Report 2021 of the World Economic Forum, Mauritius has progressed significantly and has moved from the rank of 115 in 2020 to 110 in 2021.

Mr Jugnauth further reiterated Government’s commitment to continue in its fight against domestic violence, inequality and discrimination against women and to work on legislations and institutional changes in support of women.

He also spoke on the L’Assise de l’Entrepreneuriat Féminin, which has been put in place to reflect, analyse and motivate women as well as provide them with various facilities to start their businesses.

Minister Koonjoo-Shah commended the efforts and contributions of all women adding that the day is an occasion to reflect on the huge contribution and crucial role of women in the socio-economic development of the country.  

Speaking on the UN’s theme chosen for this year’s celebration, she highlighted that women should be at the centre of development in the country. She lauded the courage and sacrifices of women frontliners who have worked relentlessly during the pandemic. She thus called for greater emancipation of women and participation in the economic development of the country.

Dr. Laurent Musango, for his part, read the message of the Secretary-General of the United Nations where the latter highlighted the contribution of women in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.  He called on everyone to give women their due recognition for all the challenges that they have stood up through time and in making the world a better place by contributing economically and socially.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of Mauritius.

Source: Apo-Opa

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