Libya: UN's Ban Ki-moon seeks 'decisive' action

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the global body’s Security Council to take “decisive action” over the Libya crisis.

He said violations of human rights had been carried out by Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, and more than 1,000 had died.

Speaking at a meeting of the Security Council in New York, Mr Ban warned of a growing refugee and food crisis.

In Libya, reports say anti-government protesters in the capital Tripoli came under heavy gunfire on Friday.

Witnesses reported deaths and injuries as militiamen and government troops confronted protesters as they emerged from mosques following Friday prayers and started demonstrating in several areas of the city.

At the same time, Libyan state TV showed Colonel Gaddafi speaking from the Tripoli’s old city ramparts, urging the crowd to arm themselves and defend the nation and its oil against the anti-Gaddafi elements who have taken control of large parts of the country.

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