Libya – Inclusion of Ansar al-Shariah on the UN Security Council’s terrorist list (November 20, 2014)

PARIS, France, November 20, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — France welcomes the decision by the UN Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee to impose sanctions on the Libyan terrorist entities Ansar al-Shariah Benghazi and Ansar al-Shariah Derna. Laurent Fabius called for these sanctions at the ministerial meeting on Libya on September 25 in New York.

We call on all states to immediately implement this decision against terrorist groups which cannot be regarded as interlocutors. We also call on all Libyans to refrain from providing them with any direct or indirect support.

France would like all parties in Libya to engage without delay in the political dialogue proposed by the UN to resolve the country’s crisis and build a sovereign, democratic and stable state.

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