Liberia releases last Ebola patient – flash quote from MSF

MONROVIA, Liberia, March 5, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Commenting on the news that Liberia has released its last Ebola patient, Vickie Hawkins, Director of MSF UK, said:

“This is an encouraging sign for Liberia. However, there is no room for complacency as the number of new Ebola cases in the region has risen this week.

“From the outset, this outbreak has been characterised by its unpredictability and geographic spread. People move easily over the porous borders that separate Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, so until 42 days pass without a new case in any of the three worst affected countries we need to remain vigilant.

“There are serious gaps that persist in the response. Significant improvements need to be made in contact tracing and surveillance, and we still need to improve regional coordination. Practical collaboration between surveillance teams based in each country need to be implemented as soon as possible to avoid importing new cases into areas considered Ebola-free.”

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