Launch of Situation Analysis of Children in Somalia 2016


UNICEF Somalia, together with the Federal Government of Somalia, donors and partners, is launching the latest situation analysis of children in Somalia.  The report consists of comprehensive data, analysis and recommendations crucial to support UNICEF’s work of fulfilling the rights of all Somali children. The report shows that the situation of children is improving, with more children surviving, being vaccinated and going to school; and increasing numbers of families have access to health care and clean water and sanitation. However, much remains to be done. Somali children and their mothers continue to suffer from multiple deprivations, and the country has some of the worst global indicators, such as,

  • 1 in 7 children dies before their 5th birthday
  • 6 in 10 children are not in school
  • Nearly all girls – 98% – undergo female genital mutilation, highest in the world
  • A woman dies every 3 hours as a result of pregnancy complications
  • Less than half, or 45%, of the population have access to improved water sources, and only a quarter to adequate sanitation

There are also opportunities ahead, as the report notes, especially with urbanization and the exceptionally large youth bulge – three quarters Somalis are younger than 30 years old.

When & Where:

10:00 – 12:00, Thursday, 1 August 2016

SKA room, MIA, Mogadishu


High level officials from the Government, the donor community, civil society, NGOs and the UN.


Development of a situation analysis of children is a central function of UNICEF’s mandate. It is normally conducted every five years to inform UNICEF’s new Country Programme, as well as to influence country’s planning and programming processes such as the National Development Plan. Due to various constrains UNICEF Somalia had not done such an analysis in recent years, but with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2015 and improved access to many areas, UNICEF felt that an up-to-date situation analysis was not only critical but also feasible. A wide range of partners were involved in the process, including the Government, donors, civil society and academic institutions. 

Distributed by APO on behalf of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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