Launch of book on trade in services: case studies from Africa


When:                         Friday 26 February 2016 – 2:00 PM

Where:                        Medium Conference Hall – AU Headquarters, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia

Who:                           Organised by the Department of Trade and Industry


In recognition of the importance and largely untapped potential of services to contribute to African growth and trade, and with the goal of raising awareness of the opportunities for expanding exports in this area, the Department of Trade and Industry has published a compendium of five case studies of successful services exports in Africa. The book highlights Air Transport Services in Ethiopia, Banking Services in Nigeria, Business Processing Outsourcing/ICT Services in Senegal, Cultural Services in Burkina Faso, and Higher Education Services in Uganda. The studies are an examination of possible best practices in services exports on the continent, as seen from the suppliers’ point view, with a review of the role of government policy and other factors that may have shaped their success. The countries and sectors were selected on the basis of their service sector performance. In some cases (such as for Cultural Services in Burkina Faso), we have looked for non-traditional service sectors, especially where the private sector’s role in exploring the foreign market has been a critical success factor. Policy makers will find in this volume a gold mine of effective strategies that can be valuable in stimulating their services exports. Services firms can also learn from these case studies, while researchers and students can benefit from a trove of information to further stimulate research on African trade in services. Further, this compendium clearly demonstrates how public-private partnerships are critical to the growth of the services sector.

Journalists are invited to cover the Official launch of the book on 26 February 2016.  

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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