Kenya: Wildebeest in Masai Mara


Tourists from all over the world will be flocking Kenya’s Masai Mara for the next three months to watch the seventh wonder of the world – Migration of thousands of wildebeest from Serengeti in Tanzania to Masai Mara Game park

The migration of these wild animals is a great attraction every year to thousands of tourists from Europe and other parts of the world. Many come to watch the great wild spectacular event which occurs annually.

Kenya’s government have been trying to popularise the natural episode as a tourist attraction with the country’s president Mwai Kibaki having set pace on Sunday to go and watch the animals accompanied by his family members and friends. He was also accompanied by Tourism Minister, Najib Balala, who has been spearheading the tourism promotion campaign globally.

Visitors to Masai Mara have the opportunity to eat in the wild while watching the animals and sampling the masai culture which include dancesmasai-mara-tree and traditional performances. Meals are served in the bush and bush fires lit to warm tourists at night. It is an experience many would not forget as they are also able to see other animals like lions, buffalloes, elephants, cheetahs etc.

By Ken Chelimo

Photos by: The Dilly Lama and angela7dreams

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