Kenya: Italian investors in tourism sector needed


It emerged this week that Kenya needs foreign investors especially in the tourism sector which is recovering from a slump following post election violence which exploded in the east African country early this year.

Among preferred investors are Italians who are known to have invested heavily in the sector, especially in Kenya’s coastal areas of Malindi, Mtwapa, Mombasa and Diani.

The new development comes in the wake of Kenya’s public service week when all government ministries show case their services to the public and other stakeholders. The ministry of tourism is key in that it earns the country substantial amount in foreign exchange contributing heavily to the country’s GDP. It is also a major employer giving jobs to thousands both directly and indirectly.

There are several major openings which investors can put their money and be assured of getting quick returns since the areas are instant tourist attraction sites. The attraction sites which have not been explored are mainly in the north rift region of the country which include Baringo, Keiyo, Pokot, Marakwet, Tranzoia and Turkana districts.


One spectacular site which will be an instant hit to tourists is the Kerio valley area which has multiple tourist attractions. This is a place where foreign investors including those from Italy can have value for their money. Attractive sceneries here are flora and fauna which include wild animals, lakes, water falls, birds, snakes, beautiful scenery, undulating terrain, escarpment, hills, valleys, caves and rivers. There are also diverse cultures of the locals living here with rich historical backgrounds.

During the public service exhibition, some interested Kenyans from Kerio valley area expressed interest in supporting the development of the tourism sector and were ready to enter into partnership with foreign investors to venture into the area. Some of them are locals who own land adjacent to the sites and were willing to sell their land to foreign investors to build tourist resorts and hotels.

According to the area Tourism officer Richard Chepkwony, investors were welcome to develop and promote tourism in the region. He said his office will be ready to assist any investor who is interested in investing and called on foreign investors to capitalize on the growing opportunities in the sector and the conducive business environment in Kenya to invest.

By Ken Chelimo

Photos from Panoramio

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