Ivory Coast: Gbagbo supporter leaves tv debate

In this video a supporter of Laurent Gbagbo, a French writer with Cameroon origins, Calixthe Beyala, has left in protest a debate held on satellite tv channel France24.

After the question of the journalist, writer Beyala said that she has enough of the media circus about what is happening in Cote d’Ivoire and that she finds unacceptable that a country is bombed because someone has put its men on top of an African country.

She added: “I have enough of this media comedy that serves to mask the recolonisation of Africa under new forms, not with mitaly coup d’état but with electoral coups. I start to have enough to hear that we have to arrest Laurent Gbagbo and we have to judhe him. I would say that people have to judge him and that we have to arrest all people involved in this war, so mister Soro, mister Ouattara…. No election in the world deserve to kill people for the ends of the elections”.

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