Italy open the doors to 10,000 foreigners for work

10 thousand foreign citizen will be allowed to ask permission to enter into Italy for internships and work experiences. The news appeared on the newsletter ‘Srm materiali’ made by Refugees and migrant service (notiziario del servizio rifugiati e migranti (srm)] of Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia (fcei, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy).

As published on Gazzetta Ufficiale the 3 September 2009, the laws indicates the maximum number of foreign citizen allowed in Italy during 2009 to attend work experiences and internships.

According to the law this number amounts to 10,000 foreign citizens:

  • 5000 for work experiences in the whole territory of Italy.
  • 5000 for internships shared by all regions as detailed by the law.

Click here to download the SRM newsletter in Italian with all details

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