Italian woman Philanthropist helping deaf Children in Kenya

An Italian well wisher is working to help deaf Kenyan children lead  normal lives like other children. “kid-kenyaThey are only disable but not unable…they can carry out other chores like normal children”, the good Samaritan says.

Maria Agnese Giraudo from Italy is a volunteer working on so many projects in Africa. She recently visited rural Kenya to link up with deaf children and women being trained on ICTs to create opportunities in their lives.

She first visited and associated with women being trained on ICT at Suba youth Resource Centre (about 500km from Nairobi). She encouraged the women and asked them to use ICTs to access information from the internet on modern methods of health, agriculture, business and fishing among other economic activities. Maria said she will support the empowerment of women in the rural Kenyan village.

The Deaf Impact Centre in Ahero (near Kisumu town) with 25 deaf children also hosted Maria during her visit when she freely interacted with the deaf children. The children need computers to enhance their learning activities and entertainment. Maria has called on other Italian and foreigners from the developed countries to be passionate on the disadvantaged people and donate ICT e facilities and other materials  to help the deaf children in Ahero.  The children need atleast 10 computers and three laptops for their learning.

After visiting Kenya, Maria left for Tanzania to connect with Uyoga youth group which is composed of artists and acrobats. Here Maria encouraged the youth to train on ICTs and called on them to enhance their skills through ICTs for development. The group is currently planning to engage in ICT business selling computers, copiers and other accessories.

By Ken Chelimo

Photo by: Boyznberry

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