IOM DRC has launched an income generation scheme for 573 former internally displaced people (IDPs) in Kamuronza, Muvunyi and Karuba Muvunyi-Shanga areas, with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The scheme is part of an IOM project, ''Protection and food security assistance for internally displaced persons and returnees in the North Kivu province'', which aims to offer returnees sustainable livelihood solutions in North Kivu’s Masisi territory.
IOM will pay out two thirds of the USD 120 this month that each beneficiary will receive to set up an income-generating business. The funds will be transferred in partnership with the Airtel Telecommunications Company.
Beneficiaries, who underwent biometric registration in the displacement sites, have to be former IDPs who have agreed to voluntarily return to their areas of origin. They also need to be able to show that they can generate income from their chosen activity.
In January 2016, IOM conducted a market assessment in the project areas; trained beneficiaries in income generating activities including small businesses, animal husbandry and farming; and established local support groups.
On 24th March 2016, it distributed 345 kits containing watering cans, hoes and market garden seeds to returnees in Kamuronza, following the closure of the Lac Vert and Shasha displacement sites in October 2015.
Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of International Office of Migration (IOM).
Source: Apo-Opa
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