German Embassy supports youth and amateur boxing

Boxing is a very popular and successful sport in Namibia, both with amateur as well as professional boxers. On 28 August 2017, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Christian Schlaga, handed over sports equipment at a press conference to the Khomas Boxing Federation, represented by its chairperson Jason Naule. The federation is responsible for nurturing young upcoming boxers as well as promoting Olympic style boxing in the Khomas Region.  
The Federal Foreign Office supports the Khomas Boxing Federation through the German Embassy within the framework of its international sports programme with a donation of equipment worth approximately N$ 80 000.00. The aim is to support the spread of broad-based sports in Namibia and contribute to the construction of a sustainable sports infrastructure. Ambassador Schlaga pointed out that this support is only part of the extensive programme of the German Embassy, which includes the development of youth and broad-based sports in many areas such as football, fistball, volleyball etc.
We do this, said Ambassador Schlaga, with the awareness that any participation in sports adds extensively to character forming in the youth. 
The shared knowledge and the donated materials will contribute to making sport fun to practice for the young boxers. This will result in the creation of a positive self- image, social awareness and intercultural competences as well as support sustained positive societal development. 

Distributed by APO on behalf of The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany – Windhoek.

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