FCO Press Release: Minister for Africa expresses deep concern at violence in Darfur

LONDON, United-Kingdom, March 6, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister for Africa, Mark Simmonds, calls for unhindered access for UN and humanitarian agencies following escalation of violence in Darfur.

Commenting on recent reports of increasing violence in Darfur, the Minster for Africa Mark Simmonds said:

“I am deeply concerned to hear reports of an escalation of violence across Darfur, which has led to the displacement of over 40,000 people from their homes, particularly in South Darfur. I condemn the deplorable tactics used against civilians, including the destruction and burning of villages.

“The Government of Sudan has primary responsibility for protecting civilians. It must hold perpetrators to account and abide by international humanitarian law. I urge the authorities in Darfur to allow the joint African Union – United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) immediate access to the affected areas.

“Ten years after the outbreak of violence in Darfur, the people of Darfur continue to bear the brunt of the continuing conflict. During my recent visit to Sudan I called for full access for humanitarian agencies in Sudan’s conflict-affected areas. I repeat that call and urge the Government of Sudan and all armed groups to immediately end the violence.”

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