FCO Press Release: Minister for Africa condemns ceasefire violation in South Sudan

LONDON, United-Kingdom, February 19, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mark Simmonds condemns recent fighting in Malakal as a serious violation of the Cessation of Hostilities.

Commenting on the recent fighting in Malakal, the Minster for Africa Mark Simmonds said:

“I am deeply concerned by the recent fighting in Malakal which has led to a senseless loss of life. It is particularly disturbing that intercommunal fighting in the UNMISS camp has led to the death of civilians who had taken shelter there. Such scenes must not be allowed to re-occur.

“I strongly condemn this serious violation of the Cessation of Hostilities, which is the latest in a series of infringements on both sides. I call on the Government of South Sudan and opposition forces to immediately put down their weapons and abide by the agreement that they have signed. It is essential that they now engage fully with the Joint Technical Committee responsible for the monitoring and verification of the ceasefire, and commit seriously to a fully inclusive political process. The UK will continue to give its full backing to the IGAD negotiations.

“The people of South Sudan continue to pay the highest price in this conflict. It is the responsibility of leaders on both sides to ensure that the violence stops.”

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