FCO Minister urges South Sudan leaders to reach peace agreement

LONDON, United-Kingdom, February 23, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Baroness Anelay urges South Sudan’s leaders to agree peace at talks in Addis Ababa.

Foreign Office Minister Baroness Anelay said:

“At the last round of peace talks South Sudan’s leaders committed to conclude negotiations on all issues, sign a peace agreement before 5 March and form a transitional government by 9 July. I am concerned that it has been announced that President Kiir will not travel to Addis Ababa for this final round of talks, reversing a previous commitment to regional leaders.

Thousands have been killed and millions forced to flee their homes, the humanitarian situation is getting worse and the economy is rapidly deteriorating. I call on South Sudan’s leaders to use this final round of talks to honour their commitments, make the necessary compromises and secure peace for the people of South Sudan.

The recent proposal of the Government of South Sudan to modify the constitution to extend the mandate of the President and the National Legislature by two years must not be used as a reason to delay concluding a peace agreement by 5 March.”

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