FAO / Climate-smart Knowledge Day



FAO / Climate-smart Knowledge Day


ROME, Italy, November 25, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Climate-smart Knowledge Day

29 November 10:00-19:00, SunCoast Hotel Towers ‎


A series of sessions will look at how making agriculture more “climate-smart” can simultaneously reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate change and reduce the sector’s contribution to global warming. A new FAO report on how agriculture can become less dependent on fossil fuels will be presented during the event.


Civil Society Dialogue on Climate-Smart Agriculture

29 November 19:00-21:00, SunCoast Hotel Towers ‎


Civil society and non-governmental organizations will gather to discuss how the climate-smart model can feed into their rural development work and share experiences on working with farmers to adapt to climate change.


Results of FAO’s new Forest Resources Assessment Remote Sensing Survey


30 November 11 :00h, FAO headquarters – Rome, Italy


At a news conference held at it’s Rome headquarters, FAO will present the results of a new study of the world’s forest resources conducted using satellite imagery, which provides new information on the extent and rate of global forest losses.



13:15-14:45, EU Pavilion, International Convention Centre – Durban


During this event, FAO will provide a briefing on the results of its new remote sensing survey of world forests.

News conference to launch new FAO project to support climate-smart agriculture

1 December 12:30h, Yellowwood Conference Room, Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, Level 1


FAO will share details on a new initiative to support the transition to climate-smart agriculture, supported by the European Union. To cover this event, journalists need to be accredited with the UNFCC COP media office.

Climate-Smart Agriculture – a transformative approach to food security, adaptation and mitigation

2 December 13:15 – 14:45 International Convention Centre Room 3


FAO along with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) will provide information on how agriculture must undergo a radical transformation to meet the challenges of sustainable food security and poverty reduction with climate change. It will share approaches that increase both productivity and the resilience of livelihoods and ecosystems, plus how Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) lessons can inform progress.

Release of new FAO report on forest wildlife in a changing climate

4 December 11:30h, Forest Day 4, Olive Convention Center







Other events at Durban will look at core issues related to food, fisheries, forests and climate change and FAO will be actively participating in many of them.


Learn more about FAO’s participation at COP17 here:




Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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