European soldiers murder Libyans – US congressman

Former U.S. Congressman Walter Fauntroy Returns From Libya, Says He Watched European Soldiers Murder Libyans.

In an interview inside his Northwest D.C. home last week, the noted civil rights leader [said] he watched French and Danish troops storm small villages late at night beheading, maiming and killing rebels and loyalists to show them who was in control.

“‘What the hell’ I’m thinking to myself. I’m getting out of here. So I went in hiding,” Fauntroy said.

The rebels told Fauntroy they had been told by the European forces to stay inside. According to Fauntroy, the European forces would tell the rebels, “‘Look at what you did.’ In other words, the French and Danish were ordering the bombings and killings, and giving credit to the rebels.

“The truth about all this will come out later,” Fauntroy said.




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