European Council conclusions on Somalia

We report here the entire conclusions taken bu the European Council about the conflict in Somalia.

In a joint session between the Foreign and Defence Ministers, the Council discussed the situation in Somalia and the EU naval operation against piracy EU NAVFOR – Operation ATALANTA.

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

“1. The Council condemns the recent fighting in Mogadishu, targeting the Transitional Federal Institutions and the Djibouti peace process. The Council calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities to avoid further civilian casualties and deplores the humanitarian consequences of recent attacks.

2. The Council welcomes the steps taken by the new Transitional Federal Institutions to consolidate the inclusive political process, consistent with the Djibouti peace process, towards a successful and timely completion of the Transitional Federal Charter leading to free and fair elections and a comprehensive solution for Somalia. The Council welcomes the leadership which President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has demonstrated in these
endeavours and calls on all Somalis to renounce violence and support the political process. The Council underlines the important political role of the countries in the region, expresses its appreciation for the commitment shown by the African Union and stresses the importance of continued international coordination within the International Contact Group on Somalia, under the leadership of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Ahmedou Ould Abdallah.

3. The Council notes that a stable security environment in Somalia is vital for building state institutions, providing adequate humanitarian aid, kick-starting recovery efforts and reducing the threat of piracy. It expresses its appreciation to the AU and to AMISOM troop contributing countries for their contribution to stabilising the situation in Mogadishu. The Council supports the ambition of the new Transitional Federal Government to focus on the development and strengthening of national capacity in the security sector. The security sector should be firmly committed to the rule of law, respect for human rights, and the
principles of good governance and accountability.

4. The Council was encouraged by the unanimous support of the international community for the new Transitional Federal Institutions of Somalia, as manifested at the recent International Conference on Security in Somalia, convened by the UN Secretary General and hosted by the EU in Brussels on 22-23 April. The Council recalls the substantive contribution by the EU to AMISOM and to the Somali security sector, notably the Police
Force. The Council stresses the importance of building up the Somali National Security Force (NSF) as soon as possible. It welcomes the important financial contributions to the NSF made at the International Conference. The Council invites the General Secretariat of the Council and the Commission, in consultation with UNPOS and the AU, to study possible ways of contributing further to the security sector, including the NSF, in support
of the strategy of the Transitional Federal Government.

5. The Council reiterates the mutually reinforcing links between security and development. Recalling the EU contribution to international efforts against piracy through EU NAVFOR ATALANTA, the Council stresses the continued engagement of the EU, including in the delivery of humanitarian aid as well as for reconstruction and development. The Council hopes that efforts directed at demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration of former
combatants can begin soon.”


The document reported is a provisional version.

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