EUCAP Sahel Mali: EU support mission for internal security in Mali established

LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg, April 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Council today established a civilian mission under the Common Security and Defence

Policy (CSDP) to support the internal security forces in Mali.

EUCAP Sahel Mali is an additional contribution to the EU’s overall support to stability, institutional reform and the full restoration of state authority throughout the country. The mission will support the Malian state to ensure constitutional and democratic order and the conditions for lasting peace as well as to maintain its authority throughout the entire territory.

The mission will deliver strategic advice and training for the three internal security forces in Mali, i.e. the police, Gendarmerie and Garde nationale, and coordinate with international partners.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said:”EUCAP Sahel Mali is a further demonstration of the EU’s commitment to supporting reform in Mali. The mission will complement our military training mission EUTM and the EU’s broader engagement in Mali. By assisting the Malian internal security forces with EU expertise, EUCAP will help build a lasting solution to Mali’s security challenges.”

The headquarters of the mission will be in the Malian capital Bamako. The mission’s mandate will initially last for two years, starting from its launch, which requires a separate legal act, to be adopted once the initial operational capacity of the mission is reached. For the start-up phase, designed to end at the latest on 14 January 2015, a budget of € 5.5 million has been allocated.

EUCAP Sahel Mali is embedded in the EU’s comprehensive approach to security and development in the Sahel and comes in addition to two existing CSDP actions in the region:

EUCAP Sahel Niger supports the fight against organised crime and terrorism in Niger while the EU training mission in Mali contributes to the restructuring and the reorganisation of the

Malian Armed Forces though training and advice.

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