Egypt in breach of international obligations

OSLO, Norway, May 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — ‘The death sentences in Egypt in recent months are a clear breach of human rights and of Egypt’s international obligations. Norway condemns these sentences, and we have raised the matter directly with the Egyptian authorities,’ said Foreign Minister Børge Brende.

The Egyptian Ambassador was called in to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday, 5 May so that Norway’s protest against the most recent trials in Egypt could be presented to him.

‘Egypt is a party to the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The trials in Minya represent a severe breach of this covenant. I am concerned that the authorities’ brutal approach to political opponents may increase radicalisation and hostilities,’ said Mr Brende.

On 24 March and 28 April, respectively, 529 and 683 death sentences were handed down in Egypt. Since then, 37 of the 529 death sentences imposed on 24 March have been upheld, while the remainder have been commuted to life imprisonment. The trials lasted for only a few hours.

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