Egypt elections: a political song

Egypt’s parliamentary elections are underway despite the intense violence that has rocked the nation over the past few weeks. While we all watch and wait (and vote!), a friend reminded me of this song (originally by the legendary political musician Sheikh Imam) sung by Eskenderella, a popular Egyptian band. A rough translation of the lyrics (from a friend of a friend) is below the jump.

by Sophia Azeb



Egypt Elections
November 29, 2011
tags: Egypt, elections, eskenderella, sheikh imam
by Sophia Azeb

Egypt’s parliamentary elections are underway despite the intense violence that has rocked the nation over the past few weeks. While we all watch and wait (and vote!), a friend reminded me of this song (originally by the legendary political musician Sheikh Imam) sung by Eskenderella, a popular Egyptian band. A rough translation of the lyrics (from a friend of a friend) is below the jump.

All the lovers unite in the castles prison, they unite in front of everyone.
The sun is a song in the prisons rising, Egypt is the song that is rising.

The lovers unite in the prison no matter how long they have to wait, no matter what happens, no matter how cruel the imprisoners are.

Who in his right mind can imprison Egypt?!

Unite while love is like a fire in your blood, fire that would burn hunger, tears and agony.
Fire that would cleanse your soul and take away our pain.

When we sell our self and souls to feed our children, when the lies that we eat does not suffice any longer. When the enemies foot is on our lands chest and lies made detectives live on my door step.

(Repeats *2)

And the detectives come like hungry dogs,

they unite us lovers in prison now matter how long it takes or how matter we have to wait or no matter how cruel the imprisoners are. Who in his right mind can imprison Egypt?

Egypt is the song, the tears, the blood, the earth. Egypt is the reason we set out to squares (tahrir). Egypt is the sun that shines from the lovers prisons.

Rising and planting our hearts with gardens, Egypt is the gardens but who would collect the harvest.
He who will raise his sword to protect it.

they unite us lovers in prison now matter how long it takes or how matter we have to wait or no matter how cruel the imprisoners are. Who in his right mind can imprison Egypt?



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