Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) participates in the 65th session of the World Tourism Organisation Regional Conference for Africa

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
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The World Tourism Organisation (WTO), in partnership with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, organised the 65th meeting of the Regional Commission for Africa (RCA) from 5 to 7 October 2022 on the theme “Building Tourism Resilience in Africa for Inclusive Socio-economic Development”.

Mrs. Massandjé Touré Litsé, Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture in her capacity as the ECOWAS representative in the meeting, participated in a panel of discussions where she shared ECOWAS’ experience and knowledge on the theme “Rebuilding Tourism resilience in Africa for an Inclusive Socio-Economic Development.

At the Arusha, Tanzania meeting, Commissioner Touré Litse shared with her peers the strategy for the development of intra-regional tourism in order to create synergy, a new structured, analysed tourism offer adapted to the regional market where Community citizens operate.  Given that intra-regional tourism is the main pillar of a resilient tourism industry that is less dependent on international markets and more resistant to various exogenous shocks such as international health and security crises.

The 65th session of the Regional Conference for Africa organised by the World Tourism Organisation was also the framework for the promotion of the ECOWAS tourism development policy and the mobilisation of technical and financial cooperation for a synergy of actions that would pave the way for the implementation of the ECOTOUR 19-29 action plan. In that regard and on the sidelines of the Conference, the ECOWAS delegation held a number of meetings and working sessions with the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, the current President of CAF/WTO, as well as the Ministers of Tourism.

Regarding the delegation’s meeting with the Ministers of Tourism in Africa, discussions focused on the strategies and strong measures to be put in place for the development of the economic potential of the tourism industry.

It should be pointed out that the Regional Commission for Africa (RCA) of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) is a body for the Ministers in charge of Tourism of the African Member States of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the affiliated members as well as regional and continental institutions in charge of tourism.

One of the highlights of the Arusha meeting programme is the financing policy of African tourism, the creation of a guarantee fund for the development of African Tourism and Connectivity in Africa.

Mrs Touré Litsé was accompanied by Mrs Stella Christiane Drabo, Head of Programme Tourism in the ECOWAS Commission.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Source: Apo-Opa

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