DR Congo: reporter Kikunde aggressed

DR Congo-Kinshasa: John Kikundi, reporter of RFO, agressed.

John Kikunde, a cameraman of a French Television-Radio France d’Outre mer (RFO), has been agressed on Thusday 29th september 2011 in Kinshas. This happened during demonstrations organised similtaneously by two political parties: “Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social (UDPS)” and “Partie du Peuple pour la reconstruction et la démocratie (PPRD)”, PPRD being the rulling party.These two political parties had differents reasons to go on street, while UDPS claims the beginning of the auditing of the exact figure of people enrold by the electoral commission, to prevent the present government to cheat the the november presidential elections, PPRD militants were going to the UDPS office to give a petition to ask UDPS to stop on going demonstrations so that peace can be kept during this period before the elections.

John Kikendu, a cameraman of RFO, has been agressed in Kinshasa during these demonstrations. According to her coworker also a reporter of RFO, Fracine Mukolo, people who agressed Kikunde were putting on clothes with the marks and the the colors of PPRD the actuel political party on power.

According to the same source, reporting to the radio Okapi in Kinshasa, on 30th September 2011, the victim has falled uncounscient, and got a hurt on his skull. John Kikunde is admitted now in one of the hospital in Kinshasa.

Francine Mukoko continued to declare that: “John Kikendu were filming on Lumumba Boulevard, when UDPS demonstration begun. Afterwords, the police begun to spread the UDPS militants at the very beginning of the demonstration, she saw a group of youth who came from the 6th road and went toward John Kikunde.

Fearing an eventual danger which would arrive, John Kikunde run in a nearby house unfortunately the house did not have any fence.

These youth forced the door and entered the house, then cought him and agressed him using stones, iron bars, etc.

It was discovered that among people agressors of Kikunde, some of the youth were putting on garments of PPRD, because of this agression Kikunde fented. As Francine continued to declare.

Francine Mukoko confirms that the aggressors has damaged the camera of John Kikunde, and that after recovering the camera from the hands of his agressors it could no longer be repaired. When more other reporters to report about these demonstrations they were also well agreed by the same group of youth putting on garments of PPRD.

More behavior like these are occuring in more corners of the DR Congo especially during this period before the elections, the civilian society of the DR Congo, and activist of human right are asking the international community to send more obsevers in the DR Congo during elections so that every elections can be transparents and peaceful.

Rostand M, DR Congo

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