DR Congo: candidates on the presidential elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission published on the 15th September 2011 in Kinshasa a non final list of candidates on the presidential elections of November 28th this year. This office has declared that 11 candidates are people who give their application to stand on the coming elections.

Daniel Ngoy Mulunda was very sorry to see that there is no application for a lady who would stand for the presidential elections. This statement was made in Kinshasa the same day, he published the names of the candidates.

He continues to declare that he is very happy to see that, application was published on an expected day according to the deadline. The publication of names of candidates confirms that, elections will be democratic, transparent and peaceful and done in the deadline of the constitution of the DR Congo.

Independent National Electoral Commission, announces  at the same occasion the arrival of a set of electoral equipments at the airport of N’djili  on 14th September. These equipments will be used for offices which are in remote corners of the country, Ngoy Mulunda, head of the electoral commission, said.

The president of the electoral commission will announce the final list of candidates in the coming days.

According to Independent National Electoral Commission, they have received (7,200) seven thousand and two hundreds, candidates for membership of parliament in the DR Congo. These names will be published in a near future each person according to the territory for which he stands for.

Bellow are the names for candidates on the presidential elections and their political parties:

  1. Jean Andeka Djamba                                                ( ANCC )
  2. Etienne Tchisekedi                                                     ( UDPS )
  3. Francois Joseph Nzanga Mobutu                              ( UDEMO )
  4. Vital Kamerhe                                                            ( UNC )
  5. Kengo Wa Dondo                                                       (UFC)
  6. Necephore Kakese                                                    (URDC)
  7. Joseph Kabila                                                             ( Indepedant candidate)
  8. Oscar Kashala                                                           ( UREC)
  9. Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi                                          (Independant candidate)
  10. Adam Bombole                                                          (Independant candidate)
  11. Josué Alexy Mukendi Kamama                                (Independant candidate)

During this day of publication, he continued to say that candidates whose application was not considered for the presidential elections they can appeal to the Highest Court of justice and that the day of appealing is 16th to 19th September.

If there is any appeal to cancel also any applications of a candidate to the presidential election, it can also be introduced according to the deadline.

It is unfortunate to find that among all the candidates on the presidential elections finding that there are no women who stood as candidates.

‘’In many locations of the DR Congo, there have been very law percentages of women who submitted their application to stand as members of parliament.  The Dr Congo needs people who will help women to get involved in the politics of this country, for the percentage of women is much higher than the one for men. The Congolese will wait to hear from the office of the electoral commission the percentages of women who stood as candidates for membership of parliament. Women should be represented for just speaking on the side of Congolese woman.’’

These are just words which are heard in more ladies conferences and seminar in the eastern part of the DR Congo. Women needs people who are ready to stand along side them and defending their right for they have been victimized in more ways in the DR Congo.


Rostand Mana, DR Congo

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