Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the lack of a conducive environment for the upcoming elections in Sudan

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, April 9, 2015/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The failure to initiate a genuine national dialogue one year after it was announced by the Government of Sudan is a setback for the welfare of the people of Sudan.

In its conclusions of October 2014, the EU called for a comprehensive solution to Sudan’s conflicts and that this should lead to an inclusive political process that would provide peace and prosperity for Sudan.

The EU reiterates this view and is disappointed that the Government of Sudan is missing the opportunity by not responding to the efforts by the African Union to bring all stakeholders together.

We commend those representatives from armed groups, political opposition and civil society who were present in Addis, ready to engage.

When dialogue is bypassed, some groups are excluded and civil and political rights are infringed, the upcoming elections cannot produce a credible result with legitimacy throughout the country.

The people of Sudan deserve better. We therefore chose not to engage in support of these elections.

The EU continues to support the efforts of the African Union high level panel as well as other efforts to bring peace to Sudan.

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