Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union on Sudan and South Sudan


Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union on Sudan and South Sudan


BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, December 14, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The European Union urges the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan to redouble their efforts to resolve all outstanding issues in the post-secession negotiations in line with the principle of two viable states and to adopt a holistic approach to the search for peace.

In this context, the European Union welcomes the latest round of talks between Sudan and South Sudan in Addis Ababa under the aegis of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) but is concerned that they failed to make more progress,

particularly on issues related to the petroleum sector.

It nevertheless welcomes the commitment of Sudan and South Sudan to meet later this month to discuss a number of outstanding issues, including commercial arrangements for the use of oil pipelines running through the North and hopes that the negotiations will lead

to a sustainable agreement on all outstanding petroleum sector and financial issues. In the meantime, the European Union calls on both sides to refrain from taking any unilateral steps that could make it more difficult to reach a negotiated solution.

The European Union reiterates its readiness to continue to work with the AUHIP and both governments for the swift resolution of other outstanding post-secession issues, including Abyei, borders, trade, banking, assets and liabilities, the management of water resources,

and the nationality of South Sudanese in Sudan and Sudanese in South Sudan. The European Union urges both governments to demonstrate the required spirit of compromise and commitment to good neighbourliness to achieve a comprehensive settlement of these

issues so that they can achieve their goals of security, democracy and development and meet the needs of their peoples.


The European Union is seriously concerned about the on going fighting in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states and calls on the Government of Sudan to allow immediate delivery of humanitarian assistance to all populations in need. The European Union urges

both sides to stop fighting and to return to the negotiating table in order to reach a political solution.

The European Union notes with concern the recent escalation of military action along the Sudan/South Sudan border and urges both sides to refrain from further cross-border action or rhetoric that could increase tensions between the two states.

The European Union further calls on both parties to take immediate steps to implement the agreed security and other arrangements on Abyei, including the full withdrawal of their forces, to allow for the safe return of all displaced people, and the peaceful migration of

nomadic peoples.

The European Union strongly supports the call by the African Union Peace and Security Council on 30 November for the AUHIP to promote a holistic approach to the quest for peace, justice and reconciliation in Sudan and to prioritise democratisation in both Sudan

and South Sudan, as a sine qua non for stability and equitable governance.



European Council



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