Council conclusions on Mali 3209th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Brussels, 10 December 2012

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, December 11, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Council adopted the following conclusions:

“1. The EU remains deeply concerned about the serious political and security crisis affecting

Mali, in particular in the north of the country, marked by the emergence and consolidation of a safe haven for terrorists and organised crime that poses a grave threat to the Sahel region as well as West and North Africa and Europe.

2. The EU reiterates the need for a coherent and comprehensive approach to the crisis in

Mali, in which Malian, regional and African ownership is essential. In this context, it supports enhanced international coordination in close cooperation with the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), Romano Prodi.

3. The EU is concerned by the delays in the political transition process. It calls on political leaders in Bamako to demonstrate their commitment to work for the benefit of all

Malians through the rapid adoption and implementation of a credible and consensual roadmap for the restoration of constitutional and democratic order in Mali, including a return to civilian control of the Malian Armed Forces and the organisation of free and transparent elections as soon as possible. A credible framework for national dialogue is also essential in order to engage all Malians, including northern communities’ representatives and armed groups not involved in terrorist activities, in a process of reconciliation and peace building that respects the territorial integrity of the country and the rule of law. The EU recalls its willingness to gradually resume its development cooperation once a credible roadmap has been adopted and in light of progress in its implementation.

4. In parallel to the political process, the EU supports the continued planning for an

African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA). The EU awaits its

authorisation by the UN Security Council (UNSC), building on UNSC Resolutions 2056 and 2071, as a response to the request from the Malian authorities, ECOWAS and the AU. The EU welcomes the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General, including those in relation to respect for international humanitarian law. The EU recalls the importance of adequate financial support for AFISMA from the states and organisations in the region, as well as from other key international partners and organisations. The EU 2 reiterates its willingness to provide financial support through the mobilisation of the African Peace Facility.

In order to guarantee predictable and sustainable EU funding for African peacekeeping operations, including the mission in Mali, the Council invites the Commission to identify additional funds from the 10th EDF which could be mobilised.

5. In this context, the Council approved the Crisis Management Concept for a CSDP military mission to provide military training and advice to the Malian Armed Forces. It underlines the need to proceed swiftly with the planning process and to elaborate a Council Decision establishing the mission. It emphasises that this mission is an essential element in the EU’s comprehensive approach as elaborated in the Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel, and calls for continued coherence and synergies between the EU’s instrumentsincluding other CSDP activities in the wider region. The Council notes that this military mission will take place upon invitation of the Malian government, following its request for assistance, and under the framework of UNSCR 2071 and in coordination with all other relevant UN activities.

6. The Council notes that the EU Training Mission in Mali aims to improve the functioning and operational effectiveness of the Malian Armed Forces, under civilian authority, and to contribute to their respect for the rule of law and international standards of conduct, including as regards international humanitarian law, protection of civilians, in particular women and children, and human rights. It further notes that European training efforts should be complemented by wider international support for the provision of equipment for the Malian Armed Forces. While underlining the need for close coordination with the

Malian Armed Forces and ECOWAS/AU on the ground, the Council stresses that the training mission will not be involved in operational actions and that any further possible support to ECOWAS/AFISMA will be considered in a separate process.”

7. The Council welcomes the High Representative’s proposal to appoint an EU Special

Representative for the Sahel and invites her to take the process forward without delay.”

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