Côte d'Ivoire: French army fights against Gbagbo

The French army (Force Licorne) bombarded since last night and today with heavy artillery the Camp AGBAN until 6h AM in Abidjan.

The Ivorian army has regained control of the two bridges and is trying to contain the advancing of the French forces.

The French army has indeed joined in full force the war that Nicolas Sarkozy and the famous “international community” impose on the people of Cote d’Ivoire, on the grounds that his Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo, elected democratically, refuses to give up at a vile cost of the natural ressources and raw materials of his country.

Source: www.blueteamci.com / www.afrikdignite.com / infoscotedivoire.net / www.rti.ci

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One thought on “Côte d'Ivoire: French army fights against Gbagbo

  1. Is international community after the natural resources or the entrenchment of democracy in Ivory Coast? How long shall the reporters continue to report in bias the effort of Western or the international community who desire that every citizen of any nation lives in total freedom. Had President Gbagbo vacated the office to the newly and dully elected president and not adopting the ‘African Leadership Principle’ of electoral fraud, corporate corruption and marginalization aimed at achieving their life president objective, would the French invade Ivory Coast? We had better hit the truth head-long!

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